

Our Lady of Kyankwanzi caters for the spiritual, social and humanitarian well being of the students and the people in that area. Our Lady of Kyankwanz as a chaplaincy has a population of 20,000 people, Catholics and non-Catholics. It has got challenges of unclean water, malaria, backward cultural practices eg. Forced early marriages to the girl- child in order to get material wealth on the part of the parents. As a church, we are sensitizing the people to stop this and to give equal opportunities to both girls and boys. As a church, we are trying to put up structures such as schools with educational materials, health centers though they are not yet well equipped and also finding means of providing clean water to the people in the area. Together with the government, we are sensitizing the people to sleep under mosquito treated nets. We are sensitizing the people to take their children to school as the only way of having an educated generation.


  • Construction of a dining hall for the pupils of St. Kizito Primary School who have their meals under trees.
  • Re-roofing both the classrooms and dormitories which were blown off by the wind.
  • Providing enough clean water to theĀ  pupils and the population around.
  • Providing affordable education to the girl- child who are being seen as a source of wealth instead of taking them to school.
  • Installing solar energy in the dormitories and classrooms. With this, the problem of the unstable electricity will have been solved. This will help the students to study at night.